The Kosher Federation has certified Kosher worldwide part of the extensive range of lubricants and greases suitable for accidental contact with food.
This certification is required by companies that serve Orthodox Jewish community customers with food products (both the products they manufacture and the auxiliary products used) that comply with Kosher standards.
With this certification, COGELSA takes an important step towards helping companies in the food sector to meet the requirements of the Orthodox Jewish community throughout the manufacturing and handling process of their products, following the strict criteria of the Jewish community and with the full Kosher guarantee.
To ensure that the products offered by COGELSA comply with the requirements of the Kosher regulations, the Kosher Federadion has audited the processes of ISO 9001 and ISO 21469:2006 in relation to:
– Approval of raw materials suitable for making Kosher-acceptable lubricants and greases.
– Visits by the rabbi to check facilities and work systems.
With this action COGELSA continues to advance in its objective of providing its complete range of food lubricants and greases with the best international guarantees and certifications (NSF, Halal, Koscher, etc).